Section for Functional Oxides DTU Energy Technical University of Denmark Oliver Liebe PhD Student in Physics Fysikvej, Building 310, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Cover picture
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Master's of Science in Quantum Physics, 2022 - 2024

I received my Masters's of Science in Physics from the University of Copenhagen in 2024. My Master's degree had a prominent focus on quantum physics, but also included courses on condensed matter physics, data science, and machine-learning. My degree included the following courses

I had initially chosen a quantum optics specialisation, but after taking the Quantum Information course, I became fascinated with the field of spin qubits and decided to reach out to Associate Professor Anasua Chatterjee, who was working on spin qubits at the Center for Quantum Devices, and I was fortunate enough to be able to do a 15 ECTS thesis preperation project with her and the Spin Qubit group, which then later evolved into my actual thesis project.
My thesis was on the topic of Extensible 2xN Quantum Dot Arrays Utilising Holes in Germanium. and was supervised by Associate Professor Anasua Chatterjee and Professor Ferdinand Kuemmeth.